Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ruth Bell Graham

I think one of the people I most admire was Ruth Bell Graham...
If one is sad or being tested....
Just go to her site... Great Is Thy Faithfulness....
I just find the whole family so kind, loving, genuine...
and above all humble and Christian....
Acouple of links to share:

Thursday, November 13, 2008


After the sad death of our dear, dear, friend Phil the director of EXOBUS....
He is now with the Lord...
The trust has NOW been changed to :
I am sure some of you especially who have a place for Israel in their heart will
have a real blessing to read some if not all of the many interesting things here.....
May God bless all who read it.......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Market Weighton East Yorkshire

I thought some of you might like to see the small town where I now mainly live...
Please go to:

It has about 5,000 souls......

Is about 8 miles from Beverley....
About 20 miles from York

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Have been living in the sheltered housing for just over a month... It is really lovely
After so long in bed with the faithful care of my husband is good to be out.......
I do miss my garden.... WE can just have window boxes here...
But at the moment we still have our large 3 floor & basement house where Dave lives P/T as we can't leave empty...hopefully we can get sold God willing.....
When back last week paid all the overheads at that end did the garden and had hiatus/hernia attack along with other things.....
Find it SO DIFFICULT after being so active........
Praise God he knows the future....
My E/mail is now


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Friends reunited

Haven't beeen on friends reunited! for so long.......
Had five letters waiting for me from old school chums.........
What a lot of water under the bridge.......
Must be our ages?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Dear friend & true man of G-d passing....

Just to say our dear dear friend Phil hunter died.......
just over 2 weeks ago...
He was such a friend of Israel and her people and land......

If you want to see about the work which I believe will now be changing
Please see article under:

Wed June 4th & click onto: Exobus there :

As for some reason when I typed in today wouldn't access
but does under previous one on June 4th......

The funeral was at St Michael le Belfrey in York

I met a lovely Jewish lady there who is Dutch but living in Israel
they are making a film of her early days.......
I will update more on this soon....

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Just me at last

Dear ALL
Have finally been able to get into my BLOG...
After hours of trying...
Am now ensconced in a very nice sheltered housing condo
in East Yorkshire...
My husband is staying in our house some days till it is
sold God willing......
I am still in pain many days...
More and more chronic problems...
Thanks for all of you who PRAY for me!
' For our Lord is good. He will avail to all who call on his name...
He is with us in our trials and we know that he intercedes before the father for us
in the mighty name of Yeshua who is the Alpha and Omega'
To you dear Lord we give you glory for ever and ever...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not a good week

I have just been granted an assured tenancy.........
Hopefully @ a sheltered housing.....
But now problems with the council.........
Do Hope it all works out........
Freye Please Pray for me.....

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Just to say HI 4th July

I just realised the other day that it was the 4th of JULY in the us...
Our weather has been so cold and wet! I forgot it was summer.........
I hope soon to have a laptop again as I have to view @ the library and can't
download many pics.......
Hope all my viewers have a blessed week......

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Some Interesting and relevant sites Jerusalem Post Christian Edition. Helping with the Aliyah from the lands of the North........

Just to say our dear director Phil died two weeks ago...
Such a G-dly man...
He had Lukemia and had been in remission for a while...
For he was indeed a righteous gentile our Lord will say on that final day well done my good & righteous servant... especially for your Love of your people Israel and it's land....