Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Market Weighton East Yorkshire

I thought some of you might like to see the small town where I now mainly live...
Please go to:


It has about 5,000 souls......

Is about 8 miles from Beverley....
About 20 miles from York

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Have been living in the sheltered housing for just over a month... It is really lovely
After so long in bed with the faithful care of my husband is good to be out.......
I do miss my garden.... WE can just have window boxes here...
But at the moment we still have our large 3 floor & basement house where Dave lives P/T as we can't leave empty...hopefully we can get sold God willing.....
When back last week paid all the overheads at that end did the garden and had hiatus/hernia attack along with other things.....
Find it SO DIFFICULT after being so active........
Praise God he knows the future....
My E/mail is now
