Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dougs Blog

Beautiful pics on this site...

I post here one of Dougs beautiful photographs...

Please go to his BLOG I know you will be Blessed......
Cathedral of the Rockies......

Fir tree Canada

In 1781 General von Riesdel planted the first
fir tree in Quebec......

Fir tree usa

Possibly came with the Hessian troops...

The puritans of New England banned all

outward signs of Christmas...

But in 1851 a Catskill farmer Mark Carr brought

the 1st fir trees to nyc by oxen

to sell......

England and the Fir tree

Tradition then followed to England.

The then Princess Victoria often visited her

relatives in Germany where she fell in love

and later married Prince Albert.

When King he presented the family with

their first Christmas Tree.

The Umited Kingdom fell in love with

this tradition......

Tree Of Paradise

As early as the 11th century Paradise Trees were popular.

Many were in tableu form and showed Adam & Eve and
their temptaion and fall and going on to paradise.....

The Christmas Tree

I shall endevour to do some info on this in
the next few days......
God willing:

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Castle of The Immaculate

This BLOG is just amazing: http://mariancastle.blogspot.com

Actually I don't have the words to describe it!
I think if you join me and view it...
You may understand...
This devout catholic women ....
Lives in Guatemala...
She home schools 6 children
Some adopted she just has a new
baby now.....
I don't know how she does ALL that she does...
All her marvelous projects with the children..
To me she has the grace and love of a saint....
I don't know how she finds time for all the arcticles
she writes either...
Everything is by the grace of GOD.....

Please PRAY for her and her family....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Washing Line and Reading

Simple Pleasures:

DO not despise the small things
Dear Lord HELP me to give each
Day Affresh to you...
forgive my weakness in this
in his dear Name......


Am reading @ the moment
Wild Swans
about a Chinese family 4 generations......
From the emperors to under communism....
Quite a hard going read....

Apricots on the nile & others
by this French author who lived in nyc also.....

Girl with a Pearl Earring:
Tracy Chevalier.

The Secret Life Of Bees

To Kill a Mockingbird

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Toadstool & Cedar tree

Toadstool and grandson under the cedar tree at Lastingham......

Sunday, November 12, 2006

House & garden

Our House is one of the Oldest in our town....
More History an that later.,

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Angel Mercies

Above Gods World united
The heavenly hosts are watching
Great wings enfolding
Swords of pierced light..

Above poised and watching
Angelic swords are burnished
Stayed by Gods grace and mercy
Upon a blighted land...

Angel wing unfolding
Gods tears of mercy falling
Grace and love desending
Upon a hurting Land.....

Prayers as prisms assending
Angelic hosts desending
In translucent light
Claiming powerful victories
Upon a repentant land....

' and then I saw another mighty angel coming..
he was robed in a cloud with a rainbow above
his head, his face was like the sun and his legs
were like fiery pillars.'

Revelation 10 v 1-3.

In times of trial

Andrew Murray:

In time of trouble say,
First, he brought me here. It is by his will I
am in this place, in that I will rest.
Next, he will keep me in his love and give me grace
in this trial to behave as his child.
Then, he will make the trial a blessing, teaching
me the lessons he means me to learn, and working
in me the grace he intends for me.
Last, in his good time, he can bring me out again,
how and when he only knows.
Say, I am here:
By God's appointment,
In Gods keeping,
Under his training,
For his time.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

For Eternity

How I long for the day when this world shall see
Mercy Truth and Justice sent from God above
For he knows the way that are steps have trod
He sends a lamp to guide us, to send us on our way...
To a new tommorrow and beautiful today....
Steps that we are taking shall in time be weighed..
By Truth and Justice for all Eternity......

Angel Tears...

Sometimes I think the rain from Heaven...
are as Angel tears... weeping for Gods mercy
upon this land of ours....
Sometimes we are helpless in our search
for LOVE but we know Gods mercy shines
down from above......

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Picture of older daughter grandchildren in Mallorca

Grandson is @ the front of pic..... In black T shirt......
Older daughter is to the left of picture kneeling down
with grandaughter(twin) in pink T shirt on her knee!


I have not been on here for a while as I don't know if anyone views???/
I also have 2 other BLOGS....
We are back from pine lodges......
We had a great time......
I will upload pics of trip......