Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Church

After much prayer... we are finaly settled @ the sheltered housing in Market Weighton.....
We visited a few churches in the area and finaly feel @ home...
The church was renting in the Church of England primary school...
But felt to move out and finaly purchased a lease...
At present it is called Armstrong House and is in the centre of Market Weighton above
We have some that stay some that come and go due to various family and work commitments
It is multicultural... We really feel @ home.....
We do still attend our old fellowship when we can....
As we still have a house in Goole (To be sorted God willing) we do worship with New Insperations at Trinity Methodist church and also at Cenral methodisat church where we married nearly 26 years ago:
If you care to view our home church it is:

Shalom and every blessing........

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